Friday, March 21, 2014

Frogs, leprechauns, subtraction, making 10, and a birthday...oh my!

We had a great week leading up to Spring break, we were very busy and lerned a whole lot!  Our study of frogs also allowed us to learn about metamorphosis, life cycles, colors, and lots of science vocabulary.  We also used some of the Froggy stories to study characters and use evidence from the text to support our answers.

Mixing some of the colors we learned frogs can be to make new colors!

We also worked on frog and St. Patrick's Day themed centers:

Playing Memory to find frogs and princesses with matching ending sounds:

Literacy Work:

We started last week using frogs on logs to work on subtraction.  Then we used the practice mats and cards I sent home to practice as a whole class and with partners.

This week in math, we used several different activities to practice combinations that add up to 10.

On Monday to celebrate St. Patrick's Day we did a directed drawing (from Heidi Butkus) of a leprechaun to work on our directions following skills :)

Finally, thank you to all the parents for my birthday gift, Matt and I will enjoy a nice dinner at Panera!  These cards were also precious and warmed my heart all the way through.

Enjoy the time off!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Dr Seuss and an author study

We had a GREAT time learning about Dr. Seuss and Mo Willems!  During our Dr Seuss unit we made Oobleck, compared stories, worked with alliteration, did a writing project, made silly cat glyphs and tried green eggs and ham!  We also worked in some very engaging centers :)

This silly cat glyph came from Deanna Jump!

Counting, ten frame, and tallying practice.

Filling in blends.

Horton Hears a Word Family!  Some of our centers were inspired by Kathleen at Growing Kinders :)

We loved our Dr. Seuss "label it" at the writing center :)

I sent home the wonderful pigeon books and drawings the kiddos did during our Mo Willems author study but I wanted to give a small peek at some of our per writing activities.

Using adjectives to describe the main character.

Whole class brainstormng!

We really love Mo Willems books and enjoyed looking deeper into his life and writing.  Let's all pray for no more snow!

:) Mrs. Rogers

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Abraham Lincoln and February Centers

Hi All!
We have been keeping warm and busy here in Kindergarten!  Last week, we learned a lot about Abraham Lincoln, decomposing numbers, and have been working on February themed centers :)

Here's a peek at some of our center fun:
Working on beginning and ending sounds.


Making lists and labeling using our February words.

Syllable sort.

Filling in missing teen numbers.

Blends racing to the top.

Broken heart puzzles, working on 1 to 1 correspondence.

We made a tree map tp display our learning about Abraham Lincoln:

Then we used our learning to make this fun project and write mini reports (hidden inside his hat!!):

This cute activity came from Amy Lemons at Step Into Second Grade!!

We have been having a BLAST with our Dr. Seuss week activities and our Mo Willems author study!  I'm looking forward to sharing our learning with you on Friday via the blog :)

Parents, just a reminder, I will be out of the building Thursday and Friday at the Illinois State Kindergarten Conference.

Thanks for reading!!
:) Mrs. Rogers