Monday, April 28, 2014

The sun and moon!

We started our unit on the solar system by learning all about the moon and sun, and incorporating some fun space stories :)

We read this awesome book, Armadillo Ray, about an armadillo trying to figure out what the moon was made of.  Then we wrote our own book and made fun art projects.

We compared the sun and moon:

We studied the phases of the moon and worked with groups to recreate them (and made them with Oreos...I forgot to snap a photo of that :( )

We read "The Three Little Aliens and the Big, Bad Robot" and compared it to The Three Little Pigs.

We did an experiment to learn how craters form.

We also learned about the Earth's rotation and revolution and the moon's revolution around the Earth.  We made two projects to display our learning (I only have a picture of one...sorry again!!)

I am hoping to do one more update this week about our fiction Writer's Workshop unit and our nonfiction Reader's Workshop unit!  We are also going to be taking on fractions soon so keep an eye out for that post as well.

:) Mrs. Rogers

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Geology: Week 1

We had a "blast" (haha) learning about rocks, volcanos, and chemical reactions!

We learned what a geologist does and excavated and sorted rocks.  We also talked about properties of rocks.

We learned about the three different types of rocks, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic and made them from crayon shavings.  We were also able to make a connection between metamorphic rock and a frog going through metamorphosis.

Our volcanos were a huge hit!  We followed the scientific method, learned about chemical reactions, did some how to writing, AND hade a good time!

We also read the Lorax last week, which tied in to our Geology theme, and worked on story mapping.  In math we played a fun game with partners to help us practice half hour time.

More geology to come this week!!

:) Mrs. Rogers

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Geology part 2

Whew!  It's been awhile since I've posted (and I didn't realize the post before this one never uploaded!!) so buckle your seat belts :). We finished our geology unit and learned about taking care of our Earth.

We read the sad story of a river and learned what happens when people aren't careful with their choices.

We also had a blast working on geology themed centers :)

Finally, on a personal note, I finished my first half marathon, woohoo!

Look for a post on our solar system learning soon, :) Mrs. Proverbs